

Ben's the name

and I'm a developer

About Me

Hello there! I'm glad you've found your way to my website, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself. My name is Ben Sithisane, and I'm a passionate web developer. Ever since I was young, I've been fascinated by the world of technology, whether it was creating my first simple web pages or diving into software development.

After spending some time in warehousing, I decided to make a significant career switch to pursue my true passion for web development. I've dedicated myself to learning a variety of programming languages, tech stacks, and frameworks that allow me to bring ideas to life through code.

I believe in the power of collaboration and creativity, and I'm always eager to take on new challenges. If you're looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic developer to join your team, I would love the opportunity to contribute to your projects!

Some technologies I've used

  • NodeJS
  • React
  • Vite
  • MongoDb
  • MySQL
  • SpringBoot

Langauges I'm familar with

  • Javascript
  • Python
  • C#
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS

Some stuff I've worked on

Big Blogger

A MERN fullstack application with user access depending on authorzation. You can create post as an Admin with CRUD capabilites on comments, user, and posts.

Technologies used:
  • React + Vite
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase

Ecommerce demo

A clothing store demo that uses the fakestore api to fetch data and display products on the page.

Technologies used:
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS

Get in touch with me!

I'm always looking for new opportunities!

or check out the links at the bottom of the site.

Feel free to shoot me an email